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What Issues Does Vaginal Rejuvenation Address?

Vaginal rejuvenation helps women of all ages by improving the appearance and function of

their vaginal tissues inside and out. Our clinic offers several treatments for women


  • Stress urinary incontinence, which is urinary leakage caused by physical movement like sneezing, coughing, exercising or lifting something heavy
  • Vaginal dryness and lack of lubrication
  • Laxity (lack of tightness) of the vaginal canal
  • Reduced sensation during intercourse
  • Low blood flow, painful sensations or lowered sexual interest
  • Elasticity and wrinkled appearance of the labia and vulvovaginal area
  • Pain or discomfort from labial hypertrophy
  • Lichen Sclerosus/Itching
  • Irritability to become aroused or orgasm



What is Vaginal Rejuvination?

Morpheus 8V

Morpheus8 V delivers controlled pulses of radio frequency energy and microneedling deep into the vagina and labia to tighten the soft tissue and stimulate the production of elastin and collagen. As a result, the vaginal walls and labia become more lubricated and more toned, leading to a tighter vaginal area and greater intimacy comfort. Treatments are tailored to each patient's circumstances and are generally administered in one to three sessions



FormaV is a non-surgical procedure designed to enhance vaginal aesthetics and functionality. It utilizes radiofrequency energy and localized heat to promote collagen restructuring of the vaginal walls, leading to improvements in vaginal tightness and overall appearance. This innovative treatment addresses issues such as vaginal laxity, discomfort, dryness, painful intercourse, urinary incontinence, decreased lubrication, and lack of sexual pleasure. Treatments are tailored to each patient's circumstances and are generally administered in one to three sessions



By using electro-stimulation, VTone creates muscle contractions that you cannot achieve with Kegel exercises, significantly improving weakened or overstretched pelvic floors. Women can improve muscle laxity, stress and urge urinary incontinence, vaginal tone, and urinary urgency with VTone. Each patient receives treatment tailored to each patient's circumstances and is generally treated over the course of six sessions.


Juliet Vaginal Laser

The Juliet treatment is a new, non-surgical in-office procedure that uses laser technology to improve intimate wellness by reducing vaginal dryness or discomfort that can occur around menopause. The Juliet laser also restores tone and flexibility to the vaginal wall and can help reduce dyschromia (changes in skin color) and remodel the vulva area. Treatments are tailored to each patient's circumstances and are generally administered in two to three sessions

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